Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer Algebra

TI-92 Programs in Maths Lessons

Thomas Himmelbauer
Gymnasium des Institutes Neulandschulen, 1190 Vienna
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Some examples will show you different possibilities of application of TI-92 programs in class:

  1. Tranformation of simple mathematical problems (Transformation of a line from standard form to parametric form) to programs.
  2. Working with modules. A number of modules is used to solve many complex problems (analytic geometry: Gergonne´s Point)
  3. Ilustration and demonstration of mathematical findings (Newton´s Method, first derivative, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus .....)
  4. Self-reliant learning of subject-matter (properties of the trigonometric functions f(x)=a sin(w.x+p))
  5. Exercise of well-known subject-matters

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