Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer Algebra

Teaching materials in English

title file author number of pages KByte
Technology – Standards - Assessment, The influence of the use of Technology in Standards and Assessment (NCTM 05, Anaheim) heugl_nctm05.htm Helmut Heugl 34 416
The influence of technology in several roles of mathematics (ACDCA conference - Montreal 2004) montreal04.htm Helmut Heugl 35 646
DUG-Articles - Differential Equations with CAS / DERIVE, TI-CAS-Calculators diffequ.htm Josef Böhm 59 1253
How to Make Traditional Tasks Technology Compatible howtomake.htm Josef Böhm 19 490
New forms of teaching provoke and require new forms of assessment assessment.htm Josef Böhm 14 1016
Via Arts to Maths via_arts_to_math.htm Josef Böhm 4 878
How many Faces are there in the world? t3face_e.htm Josef Böhm, Carl Leinbach 8 339
Proceedings of the 5th ACDCA Summer Academy Gösing goesing/index.htm Walter Wegscheider (Editor) 413 ca. 4,8 MB
HIV and the Immune System - A Mathematical Model t3hiv.htm Josef Lechner 16 304
Continuity and Differentiability explored on the TI-89/92 t3condif.htm Josef Böhm 4 119
Exploring the Binomial Theorem t3binom.htm Josef Böhm 10 576
A Plea for Pure Mathematics t3pure.htm Josef Böhm 13 206
Basic Skills and Technology - not a Contradiction, but a Completion t3skills.htm Josef Böhm 12 201
Give it a Spin! t3spin.htm Josef Böhm 12 207
Calculating and Presentating 3D-objects with the TI-89/92 t33dobj.htm Josef Böhm 9 107
Experiences with CBL and the TI-92 in Austrian High School Classes integrating Math, Physics and Chemistry t3cblcbr.htm Klaus and Brigitta Aspetsberger 6 132
Elementarization and Modularization - two didactical aims being realized by using computeralgebra systems t3modul.htm Klaus Aspetsberger 9 143
Experiences about the use of the symbolic pocket calculator TI-92 in math classes t3expclas.htm Klaus Aspetsberger 14 310
A summary about the experiences how to integrate personal computers and hand computers (TI-89/92) in Mathematical Education in Austria sci2001.htm Otto Wurnig 6 53
New methods of assessment p_schirm.htm Ingrid Schirmer-Saneff 28 1491
New emphasis of fundamental algebraic competence and its influence in exam situation p_heugl.htm Helmut Heugl 30 173
The influence of Computeralgebra Systems in the Function concept (ICTCM-conference Nov. 1998, New Orleans) orlean99.htm Helmut Heugl (Editor) 19 167
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