

© 2001 Mail-Button   ACDCA - Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer Algebra
  Viennese cuisine is the only cuisine which is named after a city while its dishes originated in almost all countries of Europe. But it was the Viennese chefs that gave them the unmistakable touch. Today, these excellent and in the meantime typical Viennese dishes are available at hundreds of Beiseln (traditional Viennese taverns) and restaurants.

If you don’t want to go back to your hotel for having lunch, we give you a choice of the best and most interesting restaurants:
  • Gulaschmuseum - 1st department, Schulerstraße 20 (close to the St. Stephan’s Cathedral)
  • Stadtbeisl - 1st department, Naglergasse 21
  • Steirereck - 3rd department, Rasumofskygasse 2